We will score you against the Foundations that are critical to business success and the six steps of
The P.E.O.P.L.E. System, my proven methodology.

Process, procedures and values are the foundations of your business. Without them things will crumble. The foundations need to under pin everything in your business.

Your purpose is the difference you are making in the world. It’s why you do what you do every day. Its something you are always striving to achieve.

The workplace environment affects the performance of your employees. It’s not just about fixtures and fittings but how people treat each other.

Employees need to understand how their role fits into the bigger picture. This enables them to take ownership, be more motivated, engaged and high performing.

Providing training, new skills and the opportunity for personal development increases retention and motivation.

As the leader your role is to provide direction for the business and drive and develop the culture.

When engagement is high employees become brand ambassadors, more productive and profits increase.
This scorecard is designed to give you an insight into your current workplace culture. It measures you against the key areas which are fundamental in creating a great place to work. You will also be provided with ways to improve your scores.
Take The Quiz NowA positive workplace culture will ensure your business has a life beyond you. Culture impacts everything – from the people you attract, to the work that gets done, to the results you are able to achieve.
Answer 37 Yes/No Questions
Honestly assess where you are today so that you can identify your workplace strengths and weaknesses with a dynamic set of questions.
Receive your report
Your overall Workplace Culture Score will be shown immediately and you will then be e-mailed a personalised report with a breakdown of your different scores in each category.